Raine, Ming and I spent hours in Far East Plaza trying to source for nice clothes but we bought nothing. Yes, nothing. The only things we acquired for the day: Fun, friendship and a set of NEOprints.
Hmmmm, NEOprints... How long have I (we) not taken a NEOprint? The longest for the longest time... Three of us in our mid-twenties (avoid saying "late-twenties", please) filled the NEOprint shop with 1) stares cos we were the "youngest" clique; 2) questions cos we ain't no idea how to handle the very much advanced Jap-speaking machines; and 3) laughter at our own silly poses! Yes, we're still very much girls...
We could only pick four pics out of the nine we took... The final printouts had four sets and so we pondered who to give the fourth set to... to Bea? how about San? Juan lei? *lightbulb went off* No, to our little newfound friend, Moses! So he can miss his three "jie jies" whilst doing his National Service! Yea, good idea.
Then while on our way to the washroom, we went hysterical again! cos we saw little Moses appear before our very eyes! Hahaha... Diners at Long John Silver's probably thought we are one crazy fanclub of his! Trust me, it was that coincidental. What a fun and funny day... *silly grin*
Ever thanking God for my sunshine-y friends!

Please pardon the inconsistency eye level cos we aren't that camera-sensitive... but hey, aren't these the sweetest pics you've ever seen? *lolz*
hihi! *waves madly* in an attempt to
1. wave away the fats that accumulate on my underarm.
Yes! If I wave hard enough, I CAN wave my underarms into a toned state!
I'm sorry, I digress as usual. Anyway, my dress tomorrow is sky blue and about two sizes too large now (i think) but too bad I HAVE to wear it cos I have no other except black. =( I'll be really easy to spot tomorrow among the sea of pink, I presume!
anyway, raine n jan, i love you too. *muackz*
*this is a cut n paste comment for both of u cos the same applies!*
*laughs out loud* I'm with you in the waving-off-the-underarm-f*ts act!
Hmmmm, I'm trying to avoid wearing pink later cos I've added loads of pinkies to my wardrobe lately... =P
Love ya lots & lots~
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