Thursday, December 02, 2004

Idol talk

The morning buzzed with the remnant exhilaration from last night's Idol results - Taufik emerged as the winner, becoming the first Singapore Idol!

My colleagues, and a lot of folks I believe, spent bucks on sms-es voting to make sure Singapore gets a proper idol. The sure thing is, we will be better represented by Taufik on a world stage, in spite of the jaw-dropping news: the World Idol competition is scrapped!

Taufik can doubtlessly sing, with proper diction, of course. Yet Slyvester could be necessary for the Chinese Pop market and perhaps, that is why he and the newly crowned crooner are both awarded with the same contract? Will Taufik suffer the same fate as Reuben Studdard and Sly as Clay Aiken? Watch on.


Blogger jadyn said...

nah, i doubt so...sly ain't as good as clay aiken(I LURRRVE CLAY)... I've to admit I prefer sly to taufik BUT can't deny taufik's talent..he deserves the title...but personally, the final showdown was boring compared to the American Idol...i wasn't even interested in the judges comment...they were just playing nice...didnt enjoy anything but taufik's performance and sly's smile ;)

5:55 PM  
Blogger /Jan-ne-sis/ said...

Yes, I know you and your dear so love Clay... hahaha.. and I know for sure that Sly and Clay aren't on par. I was referring to marketability and popularity that each will garner after the euphoria.

By the way, visit for more of Clay ;)

10:14 AM  

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