Thursday, November 04, 2004

One thing worth

I am reminded about Mary and Martha once again while writing 'Stress less' in my group blog Odd Perspectives.

I know I can't speak for myself when it comes to identifying whether I am a Mary or a Martha. The answer is so obvious I found myself guilty. Lia said, "Hmmmm, you flashed across my mind when Pastor spoke about Martha..."

As Jesus and the disciples continued on their way to Jerusalem, they came to a village where a woman named Martha welcomed them into her home. Her sister, Mary, sat at the Lord's feet, listening to what he taught. But Martha was worrying over the big dinner she was preparing. She came to Jesus and said, "Lord, doesn't it seem unfair to you that my sister just sits here while I do all the work? Tell her to come and help me."

But the Lord said to her, "My dear Martha, you are so upset over all these details! There is really only one thing worth being concerned about. Mary has discovered it--and I won't take it away from her."
- Luke 10:38-42 (NLT)

Though not necessarily a born leader, I chose to be task-oriented and focus on getting things done most of the time. More often than not, I found myself so busy that I forgot my first priority and calling in life - to love God.

I believe most of us do possess the qualities of both Mary and Martha. But how can we strike a balance or is there really room for balance? It's a fine line between the two and a matter of doing the right things, at the right time. Worship does not only happen during Christian meetings or our devotional time... But every single thing we do with what has been placed in our hands can become worship to Him... And not forgetting what we do with Jesus.

"Love God wholeheartedly. Love people fervently."

Love God first. Yes, before everything else. Then comes our ministry - a channel that we serve God and love His people through. Focus on Him and everything else will fall into place. Love Him and you'll soon find yourself serving Him. We can be both Mary and Martha, and please our Lord the same. But if there is only one thing you can choose, choose what Mary did. Worship.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

True..True..I think I am also guilty of that countless of times! Till now, I still found myself always sharing with my cg members about last week service. The presence of God was so real, so tangible, my first thoughts was to kneel down and worship. Like the song we sing "When all I desire is you...." Thanks for touching on the story.


12:25 AM  

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