Here comes the whirlwind!
Thanks to my beloved bro, TY, who provided the facilities for calculating my 'DISC' temperament analysis results... and I am type no. 15 - Whirlwind!
For the uninitiated, 'DISC' stands for Domineering (Choleric), Influencing (Sanguine), Steadiness (Phlegmatic) and Compliance (Melancholy). Read more here.
Strengths & weaknesses at a glance
Optimistic, active, adaptable, personable, gets results
Overly-confident, pushy, nit-picker, verbally pushy, never satisfied
Outstanding traits
People see you as positive, sociable, hyperactive and systematic. You are impatient for quick results, react rapidly, display boredom quickly and respond to a challenge. You are versatile, self-motivated and sometimes irritable. You are able to handle pressure and no problem exerting pressure on others. You are comfortable with shifting goals, new projects and new methods, and you win people when you to with persuasiveness and optimism. You can be diplomatic and precise on one hand, restless and discontented on the other. You are not happy until events or others confirm the correctness of your action or decision. You want to achieve but you want to be right. Often seen as a perfectionist, you strive equally for accomplishment and quality.
Basic desires & internal drives
Basically, you are self-starting, poised, very impatient and conscientious. Lacking a significant 'S' factor, you are a bundle of nervous energy that keeps you going at high speed. But your perfectionism will not allow you to accept just any answer. You want the best answer. In your daily activities, you see a need to weigh the pros and cons of each situation but fast. With one foot on the gas and the other on the brake, you can generate activity, see alternatives and cover a lot of ground.
Need for possible improvement
Sometimes your reactions may be too quick and impulsive. The low level of 'S' leaves you dissatisfied with the status quo and irritated with obstacles. You are apt to jump suddenly to quick, seemingly intuitive decisions. At other times, you may waver and vacillate. Your sometimes aggressive, sometimes cautious behavior confuse your associates.
How to encourage and manage
You work best for a manager who gives you a wide scope of operations, with many problems to solve but you should slow down and not try to do everything at once. And don't let your perfectionism degenerate into indecision. If you don't learn to pace yourself, you will spread yourself too thin.
Isn't it so true? I have been telling my friends lately that I do almost always feel like an octopus... and the breaking news is: some of my tentacles are now entangled! Well, it says so much about me... and I have lots to learn and improve on, or I will soon be feeling like too little butter on too much bread.
I must say that God is really GOOD to have sent great people like friends and leaders into my life to help me along... and hopefully de-tangle me soon enough! I am assured that no matter what I am, God can use whatever I am and what I have for His kingdom's purpose.
"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him who have been called according to His purpose." - Romans 8:28

That's my personality type for now! Click on the graph to see a larger view.
something chim but worth reading it..
So jan, how accurate do u find it?
Ahahaha, need I say more? Quote my bro, "It's so accurate, it's scary..." is very accurate especially when Jan is on ushering duty! ;p
i want to try too! it is very accurate eh.. hahahahaha
Do we need to take the test? I know for sure I'm a D and C. Haha...
Geeez, thanks for confirming my whirlwind state, gals... Hope I'm still greatly favored among my friends... Honestly, the 'basic desires & internal drives' part is Jan in a nutshell! Ha..
Ming, there's no online test and people pay to get it done, so tarry until I try for an alternative, k? Juan, you really can't be too sure you're a 'DC' until you take the test and SEE the results for yourself!
Raine asked if whirlwinds are octopuses (a name I gave myself...) who can't stop working and MUST have several tasks at one shot? I replied, "Yup, but I seriously don��t know if octopuses can move at the speed of a whirlwind�� hmmmmm��" Ahahahaha.. maybe I am the first!
Hee...ok la. But I honestly doubt I'm an I person. ;p
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