Moi Ohano
Ohano means family in Hawaiian. Learnt that from 'Lilo & Stitch'.

Siblings with an attitude. Any other resemblance?
Janice, Tianyu (aka Isaiah, his water baptism name, but I still prefer calling him Ty) & Eunice.

Arty shot. By the way, do I look Korean? :O

"Buay song" stares.

So Jap-looking... ���襤�Ǥ�! Kawaii des!

Granny & cousins
From left: Ty, Grandma, me, An (Ping, his identical twin, is in Hong Kong), Yan, Eu & my growing-to-be-more-yandao-by-the-year cousin, Wei (cos we only see one another annually)
My dad being the only child in his family, I'm beginning to appreciate the bliss of having lotsa cousins from my maternal side. My mom has an elder sisters, 2 younger brothers and 2 younger sisters. Yea, 6 of them and that's why I have 9 cousins! Who you see here in the pics are only one-third of my extended family... Wow.
And of cos, having lost my paternal granny painfully, I learned to appreciate my grandma more. Most of the time, people learn the hard way.

From front left: Grandma, Mommy, Wei's mom, An's mom, Ty, Daddy, Eu, me, Wei, Yan, An & An's dad
All photos taken by Ty's wonderful digital camera. Thanks, bro. I think we've never taken so many pictures and have fun at grandma's place before... I believe it's the beginning of family bonding. Slowly but surely, we want to be and will be more involved in one another's lives and hopefully not see one another just during the Lunar New Year period. We are family.
jason mulgrew
internet quasi-celebrity
Thanks for the nice comments you people have said, posted and tagged :)
For the record (beside the evidence in the photo seen), Sis Katherine (Gene's mom), a fan of Korean drama came to me and exclaimed that the way I so look like this Korean girl (didn't get the name) when I smile... I gave her a jaw dropping look 'cos I didn't think Korean gals are pretty 'cos of their slitty eyes. But female leads of "Glass Shoes" have proven otherwise. Ha, thanks for the sweet compliment.
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