Eye candy

I love to be visually enticed. Choose function over form. Minimalist. Am a web weaver and designer. Closet dream: Photographer.

The resolution is not as bad as I thought... (Left - taken 23 Oct 2005) Lovely sunset from the view of my bedroom. (Right - taken 15 Oct 2005) Do you see that the whole sky is filled with clouds except the portion above the left building? Hmmm, I call it the Blue Hole. ;P
Yea, I love to sky-gaze whenever I can.
Ha, all these pixs can be displayed because I finally activated my mobile's MMS function. I know, either I am slow or not motivated enough. I recently did it just so I can show a friend my attempt to source for a corporate tee for her new company. Waha. I shot myself in the dressing room. Thankfully I can disable the loud click when my mobile camera goes off! It is free-size, tee material and comes in 2 styles: off-shoulder and toga.
Bishan misses you too.
the red top is NICE! =)m
Thanks, dear.. it's orange eh ;) Anyway, I bought the off-shoulder version for my friend but she doesn't really like it I suppose, so.. ya..
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