It grabs you
My favorite TV program is doubtlessly The Animal Planet eversince we subscribed to SCV. What's interesting is not the A to Zs of the animal world, but the extent of animal protection and conservation people do all around the world through 'Animal Precinct' (Tue) and 'Growing Up Wild' (Thu).
I ask myself if it is worth the effort. I mean, do animals go to heaven? I know they are not God-breathed, but I do wish the passion and work of animal lovers will not go to waste. And life will be pretty boring without these lovely creation. Whether it is worth the effort, I guess it's really about being good stewards of what has been given to us and not abusing them. Watching these creatures often make me smile and appreciate the beauty, creativity and humor God has.
And there is, of course, National Geographic. NatGeo Feature Films presents a documentary movie not to be missed...

The March of the Penguins - Catch the trailer first and then support the movie! See how the Emperor penguins repeat their arduous journey countless times, marching many hundreds of miles over some of the most treacherous territory on Earth, until the chicks are ready to take their first faltering dive into the deep blue waters of the Antarctic. (excerpt from website)
Are there any fellow animal planeeters out there whom I can speak animal lingo with? ;)
yes i agree... I wished I have that white box at home so I can have cable tv too! argh...
;) Well, having that box has its pros and cons, dearie... Now I think and talk so much about animals, my colleagues and friends are worried about me.. ahahaha...
Do penguins have knees? :P
Ahaha... Raye makes Jan do research... Yes, they do! ;)
Penguins appear to have very short legs and no knees because only the lower leg is externally visible. Their knees and upper legs are feather covered, hiding them from view. This also means that penguins never get cold knees! (
"Fantabulous!" exclaim Dr. Mack & Raye.
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