Sunday, May 08, 2005

Wonder mom

Happy Mothers' Day, mummy!

On both occasions so near to each other - mom's day and mom's birthday, I always wonder what I should do. Yet things out differently and for the better this year. The effort to want to be closer to my family becomes less trying with a saved Ty and a changed dad.

Ty shared his reply to the question: What is the most incredible and horrible thing that can happen to you? "Seeing Jesus come back and seeing Jesus come back without my family saved." My sentiments exactly.

Growing up in a typical Asian family, we never knew how to express love and concern openly. And so it especially warms my heart to see how dad has changed to be caring and keen for fellowship, whether with mom or with us. Dad recently sent me an sms when I was on my way home late in the night: ��������8���. That was uber sweet.

Besides a simple, sumptuous dinner, I wrote a card with a simple message of love and thanks to mom. I believe it made her heart smile. Humanly speaking, it's a struggle, but I pray the love of God flow through us and bring salvation to my parents one day. Before the Day arrives.

Well, I am a mother too; no, not a single-mother but one a dear child in Vietnam whom I am sponsoring via World Vision. Happy moms' day to myself! ;)

26 April 2005
Happy birthday, wonder mummy!

View poster made with the words of Jan and the hands of Ty. Hilarious!


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