Monday, March 28, 2005

Purpose of your journey

A friend sent me this and I find it so apt for a friend of Ty and mine. Timmy, hope you're reading this. We love you and so does God.

I wish and pray that as you walk through this earth
You do so in the best of health and with minimal mishaps
That you understand with increasing clarity the purpose of the journey
The significance of each bend and awkward turn along the way.
That you accept falling as part of the adventure
And do not fall into the same hole more than once.

That you walk gently
And in peace
And that with each step
A cool breeze blows
A flower blossoms.
And that with each passing mile
you grow stronger, wiser and lovelier.

Have a happy birthday, my friend. ("j)


Blogger /Jan-ne-sis/ said...

I guess we're all learning how to be patient and wait upon the Lord... You're not alone. *hugs*

12:13 PM  

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