Swat some fleas
It was really quite an experience, not from swatting flies or any similar breed (even though WL smashed a really huge cockroach as my stall's opening ceremony! *yicks*), but from my first flea market experience.

(My stall photo courtesy of WL's really cool mobile phone 'cos the pics turned out really sharp & nice, but we only managed to take 2 photos through it all! ;P)
I was blessed with beautiful weather, good stall location and wonderful people to help me through the process - that includes teaching me about body language, what to say to entice more sales and taboo words. Given that I came from an IT background, I have so much to learn!
The thing I had to refrain myself from doing is to browse and buy stuff from other stalls. Well, as Raine and Albert suggest, we can do barter trade and mobile sales too - excellent ideas that we didn't have sufficient time to put to action.
I have also learnt that balloons have amazing power over children and perhaps helium balloons can be brought into play if we organise one with a larger scale. And maybe clowns too. Waha, I know Cass cringed at that thought. I was just kidding, gal.
From sorting out and packing the stuff to setting up and decorating the stall to the actual sales, it's a lot of preparation work and efforts. I made sales of $92 and managed to get a profit of close to $50 from my pile of so-called "valuable junk" after deducting the rental and other expenditure. Not bad la. At least that sounds more sane than doing my 1km-2kg-5buck calories-burning stunt.
O, the experience of meeting different sorts of people was pretty interesting.
It seems to me that the more I talk about this, the more "junk" friends think they need to get rid of for more liquid cash. You can check out these various flea-ing spots available in Singapore.
Well, maybe I'll start a flea market guide for stall owners' blog - for publicity, competition, sharing of experience, FAQs, surveys, dos and don't. How's that?
let me know when you are going to have your next one. just let me know :)
Ya gal, you got some of us hooked! ;)
Hmmm, but I ain't sure if I'm going to do it again within the year 'cos I'm really quite tired physically..
Heee, Juan you can now sell her baked products and see if they're really good! ;)
yeah yeah! lets go fleaing! I've got lotsa stuff to sell too.. whoohoo.. lots of clothes. =)
i'm doing yahoo auctions too but the response ain't so good leh.. erps.. =P
yea, yahoo auctions' too huge a market to fetch quick cash.. since Cass & Juan wanna do one soon, can just focus on clothes then! ;)
LOL..actually the following week is a good idea cos it's school hols....anyway I need to sort through my clothes. For instance there's this skirt that's too tight for me. Hee..
there is actually a skirt too TIGHT for you?? *gosh!
well, i'm on course during e hols, so can't.. erps//
i could pass my things to you to help me sell tho! =)
*juan proceeds to beat ming over the head with a stick*
Oooh, I see quite a few jazz CDs! Wish I could've been there.
jazzeraye, the jazz CDs are so irraye-sistable I sold 'em all! ;P
Yah I'll really beat you with a stick. My hols are literally packed too. The only day I STILL have nothing on at the moment is only Friday. Gosh...
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