Tuesday, July 05, 2005

5 bucks

I walked more than a kilometre, carrying a load of unwanted books, just to sell them for 5 bucks today! How silly is that? I mean, 5 bucks will be gone by the next day, ya?

A friend comforted me that the books will be a blessing to whoever their readers are... Aha! Okei, I must think positive! Considering I walked more than any typical week day - that should burn at least 200 calories?! Hmmmm, and I took 10 pounds off my poor bookshelf?

I once called the National Library before and the person who answered my query asked me to check with MICA (previously known as MITA) directly, and I was eventually advised to give them away to Salvation Army. Why did I bother, right?

I know Salvation Army provides for the needy, but the organisation ain't a rubbish chute.

And I thought they are worth more than 5 bucks. And I still have more obsolete ones left on the shelf. Literally.

Perhaps selling them to Mr "Karang Guni" is the most convenient and logical thing to do. Well, at least they'll get scrapped and recycled... Yay, am always approving of going green.

I must discipline myself to finish reading all the books I need to read before I start buying again! That'll save me from a lot of trouble... ;P


Blogger /Jan-ne-sis/ said...

I just got to know that karang gunis no longer buy stuff by weight, but by HEIGHT! For my berie berie heavy stack of magazines and newspaper that is 30cm high, it's only worth a DOLLAR.

1:38 PM  
Blogger /Jan-ne-sis/ said...

Too late, the books are gone - mostly obsolete. What's left are either good stuff or stuff that I've yet to decide if they're good or not. Aha. Feel free to pop by next door & browse at my shelf if you're really free, bro.. ;)

11:34 PM  

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