Tuesday, September 27, 2005

What talking due?

Galatians 6:9 says "And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart."

Over MSN...
Jan: when is due season due?
Josh: due season will be due when its due... timing leave it to God... we just trust Him
Jan: due due
Josh: due due... is due when due is due
Jan: due due due
Josh: tat is when due is due with lots of backpay due to u
Jan: wa, due tongue twister
Josh: for due is due when due has its due... therefore dude shall not ask when due is due to due
Jan: me babe, not dude okei...
Josh: for bue is bue has its bue... therefore babe shall not ask when bue is bue to bue
Jan: doesnt rhyme la
Josh: *bangs head*

When the due seaon exactly is due, I know not. All I know is, it'll never be overdue.

Sunday, September 25, 2005


My core birthday wish has been the same for the past five years. It is between Him and I, and only He can make it come to pass.

When my CG members celebrated my birthday and asked what I want for my life and what they can pray for me about, I really didn't know what to say but blurted, "wisdom". Wow, I don't think that was from me. That's the seed word, seed prayer of my life in this season I suppose.

More and more and more wisdom. God's kind of wisdom. Anointed wisdom from day to day. To do the right thing at the right time. To say the right things. To make the right decisions.

My mind, or so I think, keeps telling me Jan's a fool. She's her own enemy. She needs wisdom. Lots of it. For as long as I live, I need it and I want it.

Saturday, September 24, 2005

C'est la vie

is a French phrase meaning "That's life." It is sometimes used as an expression in the English language to say that life is harsh but that one must accept it, says wikipedia.

It is also the title of the Natural Q's first album. Really like their interesting style of music. Reminds me of Sandee Chan, whom I enjoy listening to too.

Thursday, September 22, 2005


is how young I am. And this (see pix on the right) is rather close to what I look like now. *grins* Alright, you must add more length to it and a pair of red quirky specs. That's Jan for now.

Yes, I know I said I wanted to perm my hair to the like of Jolin or Big S. After much thought, pragmatic me says it's ok to look young; I need a very low maintenance hairstyle and save some money. So I chopped my tresses by half. The big, feminine curls can wait till I can carry the style better; maybe when I hit the big three.

Now the bad hair's gone. Next thing to do: color and highlight my big head!

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

I am a fool

Cried real bad last night.
Woke up with puffy eyes.
Zombified every waking hour.
Can hardly work or think.
So I went to cut my hair.
I have a short fringe now.
The last time I had one was when I was 14.

When my eyes and brain are finally awake, it's bedtime.
Good night, world.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Happy day

O, that wishlist you saw was made by a tired and helpless soul. Hee... Even as I blog, I only had 3 hours of sleep this morning. It has been so for the past weeks. That explains why I am delirious and why I have no mood for any celebration. What happened on my birthday itself came about in the spur of the moment.

I won't talk about what's going on with me or about my work, but I was glad I took a break. Lunched with Tizane at one of my favorites, Fish & Co at Wheelock Place. I mean how often do we get to be in a place with lovely ambience and surrounded by empty tables.

Doing my typical hop, skip and jump along Orchard Road on a Monday afternoon is the most carefree moment in weeks. Should have done a double flip too. Ha!

Watched the long-awaited 'March of the Penguins' at Cathay with Raine. Yay-ness. We had a bunch of cute secondary school students for company; they contributed lotsa ooos, wows and giggles throughout the show, and even applauded when the penguin chick finally hatched out in the chilling cold!

Shopped. Stopped by Kinokuniya. Ate mud pie. Little luxuries. It was a simple, happy day.

Said you love me

I made a wish on my birthday last year that I want to be happy. Have I been happy the past 365 days? All I know is, I am blessed.

Someone blessed me 3 months' supply of contact lenses. It was still not my birthday then. Then someone else blessed me with $300 so that I could perm my hair. He said that he was just being obedient to the Lord. It was still not my birthday then. Not forgetting that very early birthday surprise I received - a pair of diamond earrings. The 3 of them prefer to stay anonymous so I shan't reveal their identities ;)

Ming, I know you must have put in lots of efforts making that Jan-ne-sis scrapbook. I teared when I read it (not tear it). Really. *touched* Tizane, I know you could have spend the time catching up with your assignments or resting but you chose to spend time with me. Thanks for your company and encouragement, sista. Raine, Cass & Juan, thanks for getting me food for my soul - music. You may not know or appreciate what Cest La Vie is about, but if you'd like to, my CD is always available for you.. *beams* It's quirky, bossa nova-ish. Love it! Ivory, thanks for that pair elegant shoulder dusters. Always appreciate you gals lots. It just makes me smile knowing that you'll grow old together with me... ahahaha. Leaders of Section 6, the Bodyshop vouchers came appropriately; it's exactly what I need now! My beloved ushers, the necklace is very gorgeous and a lovely surprise ;) Xie xie you ni men... Cheryl, thanks for remembering... miss ya. Wayne, thanks for your Friendster testimony - very apt description you have written I must say; use your gift well. Your paradoxical friend. June & Gabe, thanks for the digital watch and the 'Intelli-pinkie' pen... I can use the latter to dig my ear, you know? *winks* Mom & dad, nothing beats a nice dinner together, especially when you cook my favorite vegs and peanut & chicken feet soup.

To all who have being a part of my smiles and wonderful memories of my life, I thank God for you. You are a blessing to me not because of what you have given me but because of who you have been and are to me. Cheerios to greater years of friendship ahead!

To you who remembers only your good friend's birthday and asked me which version of the birthday gift you have prepared for him is nicer, but forgot your own sister's, I am sad.

Meanwhile, gifts and blessings are still welcome and always will be...

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

What I wish I can do now

1. Sleep, not needing to know what time I should wake up
2. Go to the zoo with DKnY
3. Swim
4. Enjoy a good massage
5. Watch 'March of the Penguins' (with raine)
6. Have a nice, cosy dinner with my family (*burps*)
7. Meet Ming & Gary
8. Shop with girlfriends (but I still want to shop somemore)
9. Perm and color my hair
10. Be bestowed a week of an empty to-do list and slack around...

But I only have time to wish.

Sunday, September 04, 2005

He stooped for you and me

The cross experience that Jesus went through was not only the physical gruelsome torment.

Imagine this: God is holy and perfect. God hates sin. Yet He became the thing He abhors the most. He stooped to the level of His creation to redeem us. The struggle and sacrifice was beyond imagination. We will never be able to match that.

Yoon Chyi shared that in her preaching and it reminded me the beauty and bountifulness of His love.

The minimum we can do is to reciprocate to that big love. Going forward, we should become the thing our own flesh loathes the most, isn't it?

"If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me." -- Matthew 16:24