Sunday, May 29, 2005


It's been an extremely long week for me. A sick, tiring and eventful one.

Caught a viral flu bug and 'enjoyed' the full package of it for 9 days - started with a burning throat, being voiceless, bad running/blocked nose, cough, feverish, dizzy and spoke with a nasal voice.

Every waking moment is hard-going but I had to summon every energy to finish the crazy amount of work I had by Thu and get ready for the 2-day conference right till Sat.

It was for work's purpose but I psychoed myself into thinking that I am going for a holiday as I have to spend 2 nights at the conference venue, Swissotel Merchant Court, together with 3 other colleagues. Away from home, office and e-mail, it turned out to be pseudo-holiday.

Just in front of my room's balcony is the swimming pool. Lovely rushing waters right next to my bed. Sumptuous meals. Good facilities. Nice hotel folks. Insightful conference. Free flow of drinks at Brewerkz. Well, all short of a dip in the pool, massage in Amrita Spa and photos taken. No time and no energy for that. Nope, no hunks in sight. Interesting experience and encounters with people I met, especially with an 81-year-old delegate from Sri Lanka.

By Sat noon, I had to say goodbye and head for ministry duty. I ran on auto-pilot mode. It was like ushering and serving people for three full days. I was zonked out the whole Sun.

Something's been weighing on my mind but it stayed unnoticed the whole week. Good or bad, I seriously have no means of dealing with it then. I could only focus of looking sharp and getting work done. Am thankful that Murphy didn't visit. And now, back to reality.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

How can I not love you?

Red and yellow and pink and green
Purple and orange and blue
I can sing a rainbow,
sing a rainbow,
sing a rainbow too.

Simply love the ad for Australia Tourist Board. Delta Goodrem's lovely voice charmed me into thinking there is a land without work and stress, only the beauty of nature. Australia. The never never land.

Alright, folks. So there's 'Send Raine to New York' fund... and here's 'Send Jan to Oz' fund! ;)

Listen with your eyes,
Listen with your ears,
and sing everything you see,
I can sing a rainbow,
sing a rainbow,
sing along with me...

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Owe nothing but love

People deserves to be loved and handled with care, no matter how strong or oblivious they seem.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Broken before you

The cloud of glory descended... Wow... there His tangible presence was. I was tremendously touched and tears were literally pouring out... It was barely the first night of Pst Phil's ministry.

He rides above the floods when the storm threatens to engulf my faith. He is there. He feels for me when my heart is torn and grieving. He is there. He walks with me when light dims as I slide into valleys. He is there. Amen.

I cried out, "Lord, I come before you... I render myself foolish and useless to the world, for I can only be used by You." But yet He whispered, "... simply render yourself broken before Me." *nods* I am not broken enough.

How can a hardened vessel be used? It tries too hard to look perfect and stiffens up eventually. How can faith, healing and every other good thing from the Lord be permeated through a vessel if it is not broken? May I learn and become more broken before Him.

No other

"Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." - Matthew 11:28

... Substituting the second part of the verse with any situation and need, the Holy Spirit said,
all you who are weary,
all you who are burdened,
all you who are depressed,
all you who are feeling a sense of hopelessness,
all you who have lost sight of a vision,
Come to Me...

I was waiting upon the Lord for a word during last week's cellgroup meeting... only to hear something that was blatantly for me. God is good.

In Him, I can find my rest, I can find my secret place... There is no other I can seek comfort and peace in... and whatever I need. Absolutely no other.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Heat intolerant

While attending a nutrition talk for staff, my colleague San and restless me were poking fun at the counts of "actually", "so" and "ok?" the nutritionist punctuated her sentences with.

When it came to the section on fruits and its dietary nutrition, advice presented reads: Avoid cooking fruits. Then Ms nutritionist explained, "Avoid cooking fruits because they are afraid of heat..."

I turned to San and said, "Hmmmm, think about tropical fruits..."

San replied, "Tropical fruits must be living in fear...!"


Sunday, May 08, 2005

Wonder mom

Happy Mothers' Day, mummy!

On both occasions so near to each other - mom's day and mom's birthday, I always wonder what I should do. Yet things out differently and for the better this year. The effort to want to be closer to my family becomes less trying with a saved Ty and a changed dad.

Ty shared his reply to the question: What is the most incredible and horrible thing that can happen to you? "Seeing Jesus come back and seeing Jesus come back without my family saved." My sentiments exactly.

Growing up in a typical Asian family, we never knew how to express love and concern openly. And so it especially warms my heart to see how dad has changed to be caring and keen for fellowship, whether with mom or with us. Dad recently sent me an sms when I was on my way home late in the night: ��������8���. That was uber sweet.

Besides a simple, sumptuous dinner, I wrote a card with a simple message of love and thanks to mom. I believe it made her heart smile. Humanly speaking, it's a struggle, but I pray the love of God flow through us and bring salvation to my parents one day. Before the Day arrives.

Well, I am a mother too; no, not a single-mother but one a dear child in Vietnam whom I am sponsoring via World Vision. Happy moms' day to myself! ;)

26 April 2005
Happy birthday, wonder mummy!

View poster made with the words of Jan and the hands of Ty. Hilarious!

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Safe in a crazy world

Corrinne May's second CD "Safe in a Crazy World" has been released in Singapore! Four full songs on-line for your listening pleasure here... and support her by buying! ;)

Jan's first pick: Everything in its Time

"I often feel like I'm two steps behind
Somebody must have moved that finish line
There are a thousand reasons
Why I should give up
But I'm stubborn in the things I believe"