Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Humming birds

I believe Project SuperStar is boasting the economy of KTV lounges, registrations at singing schools, the confidence of Singaporean superstar wannabes and the popularity of the 2 finalist songs.

I personally did not know the 2 songs well, but do now because I sought out the lyrics and mp3s for the simple reason that they have been sung well and I wanna learn them too! In fact, I noticed the songs that have been sung throughout the competition now filled the airwaves of YES 93.3FM, at least. Yea, the power of music and media.

We, the bathroom or KTV singers, somehow have gotten ourselves enlightened. Interestingly and funnily, we use the same famous set of the 5 judges' comments on ourselves and friends ;P Some do make good sense though.

I came across this site that covers the basics of how the voice should be used and problems of singing that some of us have, like depending on another singer like a "crutch" and imitating the original singer instead of developing an individual style. Hope it will help humming birds sing like canaries one day ;)

Friday, August 26, 2005

Swat some fleas

It was really quite an experience, not from swatting flies or any similar breed (even though WL smashed a really huge cockroach as my stall's opening ceremony! *yicks*), but from my first flea market experience.

The storytelling for kids and various ethnic performances really brought more life to the atmosphere, and livelier music in the air did give us more sales. Though there could have been more publicity, it looks and is better than your typical pasar malam save for the alarm clocks constantly beeping 2 stalls away from mine!

(My stall photo courtesy of WL's really cool mobile phone 'cos the pics turned out really sharp & nice, but we only managed to take 2 photos through it all! ;P)

I was blessed with beautiful weather, good stall location and wonderful people to help me through the process - that includes teaching me about body language, what to say to entice more sales and taboo words. Given that I came from an IT background, I have so much to learn!

The thing I had to refrain myself from doing is to browse and buy stuff from other stalls. Well, as Raine and Albert suggest, we can do barter trade and mobile sales too - excellent ideas that we didn't have sufficient time to put to action.

I have also learnt that balloons have amazing power over children and perhaps helium balloons can be brought into play if we organise one with a larger scale. And maybe clowns too. Waha, I know Cass cringed at that thought. I was just kidding, gal.

From sorting out and packing the stuff to setting up and decorating the stall to the actual sales, it's a lot of preparation work and efforts. I made sales of $92 and managed to get a profit of close to $50 from my pile of so-called "valuable junk" after deducting the rental and other expenditure. Not bad la. At least that sounds more sane than doing my 1km-2kg-5buck calories-burning stunt.

O, the experience of meeting different sorts of people was pretty interesting.

It seems to me that the more I talk about this, the more "junk" friends think they need to get rid of for more liquid cash. You can check out these various flea-ing spots available in Singapore.

Well, maybe I'll start a flea market guide for stall owners' blog - for publicity, competition, sharing of experience, FAQs, surveys, dos and don't. How's that?

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Text in the city

Singapore Writers Festival. Wow.

I have always dream to write one day, as in to be able to see my book published or something.

But I am a bad storyteller. And since young, I hardly can write a good or exciting story... From primary school right till secondary, my English grades were mediocre. Since I struggled to continue writing from the dot dot dot, I chose the argumentative question for Prelims and guess what? I got an A2. I guess you really gotta try some stuff before you know what works for you, what does not.

It may sound odd, but I am thinking of studying more about the language in the near future. Why not?

Happy texting.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Flee fly fo

For the first time, I am my own boss. *winks*

Central Singapore Joint Social Service Centre (JSSC) is organising a flea market and I have signed up for it!

When: Friday, 26 August 2005; 5 to 10pm
Where: Amphitheatre next to JSSC (Nearest MRT: Braddell)
What: Music CDs (original!), books, bags, clothes, scarfs

Honestly, I have zero idea going about doing business like this and there's hardly any dummy guide around... so any wise advice, anyone?

Friends, you are welcome to come support me by either buying from me or selling for me.. ;P You will find ultimate bargains amongst my treasures and remember, bring your own shopping bag!

Do help by praying for excellent weather, good flow of crowd, excellent sales and a fruitful experience... so that I do not need to lug any stuff back home! Till then, I'll keep you posted! ;)

* See post-flea market experience here or 2 entries up.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

He made me cry

Well, in a good way.

He said things that lifted me (and shocked me too) just when I was (and still am) feeling exhausted in every way, and today I found out my fatigue was partly due to a stupid infection my body is fighting against.

He said I am extremely gifted and beyond special, I have the gift of love, I have amazing ability to give and to care, I can move mountains; but instead of expressing it out, I put on a mask and carry the battle-axe & the world on my shoulders, I am so impossibly stretched he sees "stretchmarks" on me.. and yet in spite of all, I still try my best to keep up with stuff... and that I am an eagle trying to behave like the rest of the turkeys around me - afraid to fly.

I am speechless. Whether what he says is true or not, at least I know someone bothers. Though he is not a co-worker in ministry, he watches me and prays for me.

'nuff said. I am touched.

Friday, August 19, 2005

No matter what they say

Life is unfair. The only fair thing in the world is the 24 hours everyone gets everyday. Everything else is not, including Project SuperStar.

I have no intention of starting new discussion threads about who deserves to win and why. Everyone is subjected to their own personal opinions and likings. Same goes for the judges. Nobody can be totally objective and nobody's perfect.

Whether you are a fan or not, let's come to terms with the results. Put it this way, whether we think it is an sms competition or true talent time, I am sure viewers have been entertained in one way or another, which is the purpose of showbiz, ya?

And life's like that. Everyone wants to say something not so nice, something critical. But when the music fades, all is stripped away, what truly matters most?

Amongst all, there is one who really shines. She has showed a great learning attitude, ultimate perseverance and strength within. She has not just earned my admiration for her ability to improvise her singing and performance techniques but respect for her amazing spirit - a strong yet gracious one.

And true indeed, she is beautiful, no matter what they say.

A true star will not lose its vibrancy and shine, on stage or in life.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Love someone today

I like Pastor Phil and what he writes in his Leadership Files - especially the last line.

The Meaning of Life

Everyone needs attention.
Recognition is the food of the soul.
Most are starving.
Everyone needs to love and to be loved.
If we give people attention maybe they'll stop doing those annoying things they do to get attention.
Giving others significance is possibly the greatest gift all of us have.
Many live in high-minded delusion because no one gave them significance.
Meaningfulness is the ache of the soul.
What is the meaning of life?
We give the meaning of life to people, when we recognise their abilities, achievements and impact the world.
Don't wait for the funeral. Send flowers today!

Wednesday, August 17, 2005


It is not a bad word.

I never knew the existence of this noun (and apparently million others) until it popped out of Kwang's mouth... but I am happy I've learnt something new.

Want to know how it sounds? You don't have to pay to learn its pronunciation and synonyms at Answers.com, while I can't say the same for Dictionary.com ;P

Nincompoop generally means a silly, foolish, or stupid person.

It is a term for a person who publicly displays his ignorance. In the 18th century, the word was sometimes written as nicompoop or nickumpoop. The word is commonly used in all English-speaking nations and is often used to describe an ignorant person. (Source: Wikipedia)

Ummm, I aren't promoting the usage of this disapproving word, okei?

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Take the wonkalator, anyone?


Monday, August 15, 2005

Pimple constellation

Alnitak, Alnilam and Mintaka make up the ((astronomy) a cluster of stars (or a small constellation)) asterism known as Orion's Belt: three bright stars in a row; even from these alone one can recognize Orion. (Source: absoluteastronomy.com)

I have no bright stars but three red dots on my face at this moment and the 'formation' is as per that constellation. One in between my brows, one next to the right of my nose, and the other at the corner of my lip. No kidding.

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Train my 'nees'

My cgl asked me what my passion is. I was startled because he popped the question during preaching. Ummm, I couldn't think for that split second but blurted shyly, '... seeing people grow...' Ha, then he sang, '成长成长,我已成长...' Yuh, the Scotts Cod Liver Oil ad song. I didn't know he can be that flat.

Sigh, most could answer the question definitely. What are you doing, Jan?

So I dwelled on it and thought to myself, I love to usher, yes... I love to sing, uhuh... Oh yes, I love to teach. Hmmmm, but then it means I am not wrong to say that I enjoy seeing people grow (every way save the horizontal) and being a part of it. Yea.

This week the second batch of trainees have arrived!

Incorporating fun and drama into training, and mentioning some silly things some ushers have done before make training more interesting. I have enjoyed myself, I certainly hope they have too. I am happy to be training again and I hope to do the same for the next two weeks (and I pray we have more than enough ICs so that I can be free! ;P).

People challenge my patience and expand my capacity, but I am still loving it. ;)

The return of street witnessing

Now it is not about salvation, but spiritual employment.

Providing 5 ministry evangelism ushers to sniff out potential folks who may be or are interested to join us, is a reluctant thing for me. Not that I can decide not to do it, or that it is a tall order but to me, it means our ushers have more to do every week.

And so our first try was at the busing area after service - ushers doubling up as recruitment ambassadors while taking care of the busing stuff. Going around with the 5566 recruitment flyers, this whole exercise really is like a holy competition and it fetched amazing results - 9 contacts we've got in an hour!

God is good! We sow but it is He who gives the increase!

Saturday, August 13, 2005

I do

How many people are truly loved because of who they are and not what they do? How many people really care how someone feels and not what that someone can do?

Not many. But I know Jesus loves me and cares about me regardless of who I think I am and what I have done - the good and the bad inclusive. He is the King of kings and the Lord of lords, but yet He chooses to reign in me. I shall not complain or be bothered how many others do or do not.

With this love lavished on me, I serve. I don't do the things I do because I need to win recognition; but when I do, I appreciate and welcome encouragement and sharing of burdens - emotionally and literally. Empathy is good but not enough for me. Words are cheap. One of my top love languages is acts of service. Do it; it shows that you mean it.

I love God and I love people. I want to be a good steward of everything placed in my hands, and that's why details matter; good time and resource management matters because people matters.

I do because I love, and I sure am glad I do.

Friday, August 12, 2005

I want to

scream and yell and be like a spoilt brat and cry and say life's unfair, but I need to learn how to praise the Lord no matter what.

Psalm 103 - A psalm of David. (New Living Translation)
Praise the LORD, I tell myself;
with my whole heart, I will praise his holy name.
Praise the LORD, I tell myself,
and never forget the good things he does for me.
He forgives all my sins
and heals all my diseases.
He ransoms me from death
and surrounds me with love and tender mercies.
He fills my life with good things.
My youth is renewed like the eagle's!

The LORD gives righteousness
and justice to all who are treated unfairly.
He revealed his character to Moses
and his deeds to the people of Israel.
The LORD is merciful and gracious;
he is slow to get angry and full of unfailing love.
He will not constantly accuse us,
nor remain angry forever.
He has not punished us for all our sins,
nor does he deal with us as we deserve.
For his unfailing love toward those who fear him
is as great as the height of the heavens above the earth.
He has removed our rebellious acts
as far away from us as the east is from the west.
The LORD is like a father to his children,
tender and compassionate to those who fear him.
For he understands how weak we are;
he knows we are only dust.
Our days on earth are like grass;
like wildflowers, we bloom and die.
The wind blows, and we are gone--
as though we had never been here.
But the love of the LORD remains forever
with those who fear him.
His salvation extends to the children's children
of those who are faithful to his covenant,
of those who obey his commandments!

The LORD has made the heavens his throne;
from there he rules over everything.
Praise the LORD, you angels of his,
you mighty creatures who carry out his plans,
listening for each of his commands.
Yes, praise the LORD, you armies of angels
who serve him and do his will!
Praise the LORD, everything he has created,
everywhere in his kingdom.
As for me -- I, too, will praise the LORD.
Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!

Wednesday, August 10, 2005


A very poor Bucket family raises a very sensible boy, Charlie, who found the fifth golden ticket to tour Willie Wonka's Chocolate Factory, but knows that many would offer bucks to get their hands on it and thinks of selling his much longed-after entry to his dreamland.

But his Grandpa George gave him a word of wisdom - "Charlie, money is everywhere. They print more and more of it everyday. But that ticket? There are only five of them. Only a dummy would give this up for something as common as money."

Wow, true indeed.

I like him

I was just thinking maybe some of us can take a leaf out of Willy Wonka's book or factory (literally or not), especially the educators. His charming factory has its amazing ways of determine who's a bad nut and eventually keeps the good one. ;)

I like him.

He's got a girly bob, a perfect-looking set of teeth, possesses an odd sense of humor (and keeps calling others weird), loves to say "Ew", has a warped image of his father, loves candy (he's thinking of inventing raspberry kites!) and chocolate as much as I do.

He is an excellent resource manager - uses the cocoa beans worshippers, the Oompa Loompas from Loompaland, to work for him. The stuff in his factory is extremely impressive and well-managed, ummm, perhaps short of the invention room.

He articulates so well, he snaps at a rebellious kid, "Mumbler! Seriously, I can't understand a *single* word you are saying!" Twice over.

His proudest invention and his favorite line: The waterfall is most important, it mixes the chocolate. It churns it up and makes it light and frothy. By the way, no other factory in the world mixes its chocolate by waterfall, and that, my dear children, you can take that to the bank.

Ha, he's so 'C'. I like him.

Give credit to the man behind this funny character - Johnny Depp.

Willy what the

And my head rings with the welcome puppets' song at the beginning of the breath-taking tour: Willy Wonka, Willy Wonka... da da da da da da da... And that's it, I don't remember what fills up the rest of 7 notes... So I went to look for the whole song... *grins*

Willy Wonka, Willy Wonka, the amazing chocolatier
Willy Wonka, Willy Wonka, everybody give a cheer
He's modest, clever, and so smart, he barely can restrain it
With so much generosity, there is no way to contain it, to contain it, to contain.... to contain... to contain...

Willy Wonka, Willy Wonka, he's the one that you're about to meet
Willy Wonka, Willy Wonka, he's a genius who just can't be beat
The magician and the chocolate whiz
The best darn guy who ever lived
Willy Wonka, here he is!

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Thou shall not 'har'

Do not be mistaken; this eleventh commandment only applies to me.

Sometimes when we are asked to do something out of sudden or something we don't like to do, we go "har?..."

I am guilty of it.

I have left the so-called forecast IC rut a couple of months ago, started doing training and recruitment, and with the blessings of my section leaders, I am in the midst of raising two helpers in my team. The silly part of me thought, "I can finally shake leg..." ;P Yuh right. Very soon after, Beatrice informed me of my August duties: verifier, return busing and something I have totally forgotten about - internal traffic. And yes, I blurted the forbidden word.

The creative author of this commandment is not me, but my beloved friend, Tizane. She "har?" at me in front of her ushers and so I gave her the you-shouldn't-say-har-in-front-of-your-ushers look, and she said, "yea, I know... I already told my ushers 'Thou shall not har'." Not to say in front of people, that attitude shouldn't even come out before anyone, especially the Lord.

Monday, August 08, 2005


Brash is a word I have recently learnt that describes me - hasty and unthinking; impetuous; rash; impudent; lacking in sensitivity or tact. I think I am just too direct or straightforward at times.

In response to the 'Was, is and yet to be' entry, 3 very kind galfriends wrote and made Jan sound as if she's perfect... but we all know she's not :)

Raine's say...

i _like_ Jan.
you do?!

Jan is _a sweet and kind gal beneath that tough strong front_.
yuh, most of the time i just want to be taken care of... but with the suffocating amount of girlish folks surrounding us, I'd like to be different...

If i were alone in a room with Jan, _we'll probably be in a KTV room crooning away_.
yes, i so love to sing!

i think Jan should _rest more_. (really, put aside work and have some good sleep)
i did! but i know i constantly need to get sufficient rest...

Jan needs _a knight in shining armor to sweep her off her feet and depart into the sunset_. (dun kill me~ how I miss this chance to tease you :P)
wahaha, raine, surely you know i need MORE than that...

i want to _be the bridesmaid of_ Jan. (well ?continuation of the above :P)
yes yes, won't leave you out for this if it really EVER happens.

Someday Jan will _find her happiness_.
define happiness? i just want to be healthy and walking with God ;)

Jan reminds me of _a dove, peace loving and kind_.
wow, that's like describing the Holy Spirit... i want to be more like Him.

Without Jan, _this world will be a LESS beautiful place_.
is it becos there's one less not so beautiful person to compare to? mwahahaha..

Memories of Jan are _like nostalgic photographs imprinted on my mind_.
i'm still alive lei!

Jan can _be cute_. (wahahahhaha???.:P)
excuse me, i AM cute alright...

_At ease_ is how i describe meeting Jan.
i kinda like signed on to be your balcony runner in Hollywood... almost forgot how we met..

Worst thing about Jan is _her workaholic trait_.
work releases my potential!

Best thing about Jan is _her love for people_.
I seriously doubt it after going thru FOP, but am sure my capacity for people has grown... ;P

i am _buddies_ with Jan. (am I thick skinned or what? kekeke)
berie thick indeed!

Ming's say...

i am a fan of the young jan-di Jan. (ooh and it rhymes)
are you sure?!

Jan is Just Absolutely Neat
depends on my mood la...

If i were alone in a room with Jan, it doesn't sound remotely possible but i think we would both promptly flip over and sleep soundly
totally agre... zzz...

i think Jan should understand how precious and valuable she is to those around her, simply for who she is, and not just what she does.
orh... but that's not my struggle wor..

Jan needs a nice spa holiday complete with mani, pedi, massage and facial.. but i ain't e richie rich who can afford to sponsor it for her.. =P
yes yes! i've been getting comments that I have panda eyes... =_(

i want to hug Jan.
*hugs back*

Someday Jan will reconcile her softer side with her workaholic alter-ego and be happy.
i attract work. i didn't ask for it lei... like you, i'm an opportunistic slacker too! maybe i'll try slacking for a week... what you think?

Jan reminds me of myself.. only a neater, more conscientious and more caring version.
huh, really? i think u're more S than me...

Without Jan, every year would have only eleven months. And the world would be the poorer for the lack of jann-tails, jan-dis and jan-ne-sis blogs.
yep yep... am so important.. wahaha..

Memories of Jan are duh, memories lor.
*roll eyes*

Jan can achieve anything she sets her mind to if she believes in herself.
works for everyone! but i do have a huge amount of self-doubt la...

"Ouch, sorry I bumped into you" is how i describe meeting Jan.
??!! hmmm, i actually can't remember how i know you... without 5566, our friendship probably won't exist.

Worst thing about Jan is that her attention to details sometimes mires her down.

Best thing about Jan is her gentleness, faithfulness and lovingkindness.
wa, that's 3 fruit of the Spirit!

i am fellow superstarsingers 5566 with Jan.

Beatrice's say...

I am in awe of Jan.
i think i'm more in awe of you than you of me ;P

Jan is someone who never fails to touch my heart by her thoughtfulness.
*blink blink*

If I were alone in a room with Jan, we will chatter non-stop.
yuh, and that room must provides lotsa of H20!

I think Jan should change her hair-style.
Ummm, really ah... but i have potential to be lion king, you know? So can't really cut short short... will change color when have $$$ ba... =\

Jan needs more rest, more exercise, build up a stronger body
Yep yep... so activate me less and less k? ;P

I want to be a confidante of Jan.
wa, serious?

Someday Jan will surely breakthrough into greater heights and fulfill her dreams in God, if she believe.

Jan reminds me of the goodness of God, thankful that He has brought such a precious gift into my life.
at least my name means God's gracious gift... am glad that i'm one to folks around me...

Without Jan, the world will be impossible to shine, cos your love for ppl brighten up even the darkest skies.

Memories of Jan are sweet, warm and fuzzy..
you always see the good of people...

Jan can be veryirritatingg with her many questions and relentless efforts to leave no stones unturned
yep, i know how much i irritate you! ahaha~

Amazed is how I describe meeting Jan.
doubly =O

Worst thing about Jan is too uptight on some things and her expectations on others are often weighting her down
i must say i have improved in managing my expectations and am still learning how to...

Best thing about Jan is her passion for the ppl around her, you just cannot help but be infected by her love
triply =O

I am a buddy with Jan. (i hope)
you're a berie berie busy buddy... that makes F4! okei, i know, it's berie flat...

Jan's say... (��Ӧ�ٶ� post-blog note)

[If you can't read the 4 chinese characters above due browser-compatibility, hanyupinyin is fan3 ying4 chi2 dun4; it means the author is ultimately slow in her response and her CPU shows signs of lagging.]

Actually I'm very touched that you bothered to respond and through the times when I needed a friend, you were there. Thank you for being you and letting me be me.

Through it all, iron sharpens iron, like produces like. What Bea says about me is more accurately what I would say about her instead, and that's why I could only give a shocked expression.

I am not the Jan today without every one of you and I am ever thankful for how God has blessed me with you. I know this route I take is never lonely and we are buddies whether we are 5566 or not ;) *hugs*

Saturday, August 06, 2005


I had an encounter with someone and the exchange of a look and those few words humbled me very much.

My respect for him deepened. And so did my fear.

It is difficult for me to describe in details because it is very personal. The very reason why I wrote it here is so that I can remember it.

Friday, August 05, 2005

Double meaning

My MSN message now reads "superstar: he is finally out!"

By this, many see it as - the superstar has finally emerged. But then, the final competition is in September...

Actually I meant, he, the contestant I have been dying to see him leave, has now left the stage. Meanie me ;P

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Extra grace required

"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres." - 1 Cor 13: 4-7

I have learnt that sometimes we don't need to convince the naysayers, the weak in faith; just love them. Sometimes the grace we give can be God's vehicle into the heart of the one we can't "bear". It's really something that I have to bear in mind. I don't have to be right all the time. Love erases all wrongs.

That of course applies to the attitude I should bear towards myself too; not to push myself too much or be too hard on myself. During this very period of time in my life, I really need extra grace and favor from the Lord and folks. Often, I forgot I should love myself before I can treat my neighbors duly with the same amount of care.