Friday, April 30, 2004

Are you a 'fashionista'?

A commonly used word in magazines and websites nowadays, a word which I've chanced upon too many times and wondered its relevance and validity. So for all the fashionistas and linguists, here's something from Michael Quinion, an author and lexicographer:

"This is a gently sarcastic term for a person who is an enthusiast for fashion. It covers not only the dedicated followers of fashion who wear the clothes, but also those who write about them. And it can refer to those who design, make, model and publicise clothes, and the fashion buyers whose decisions determine the success of a collection.

I'm told by researchers at the Oxford English Dictionary that it goes back to 1993, to a book by Stephen Fried entitled Thing of Beauty: the Tragedy of Supermodel Gia. The word began to become more widely popular from about 1998 onwards, has just started to appear in dictionaries, and looks set to become a permanent part of the language.

It's formed from fashion by adding the suffix-ista from Spanish, equivalent to our -ist ending. English has only comparatively recently borrowed this from familiar Spanish-language terms such as Sandinista and Peronista. Such words have often had negative associations in English and new words using the suffix are usually derogatory, like Blairista for a supporter of the British prime minister, Tony Blair. Fashionista was one of this type, and it has not yet entirely lost its disparaging associations with triviality."
- World Wide Words

Tuesday, April 27, 2004

Look ma, no fracture!

More than a month ago, I sprained my left ankle.. erm, yes, again. Well, I have to admit that I've been rather accident-prone since my younger days as an active netball player. It's a norm to see me in bruises, cuts, abrasions and ouch, sprains after my intensive training cum sun-tanning sessions. Erm, so that fateful day, I was carrying a load of stuff and too focused on getting it and my butt on a cab, I missed a shallow step (just below my block!), fell and twisted my ankle and wondered what happened in that instant..

I've seen the doc for a 'superficial' advice and the 'sinseh' for the real thingy - thank God it was not the usual 'kungfu-styled' bone cracking action but a 30-min massage/therapy to sooth the strain.. It's a love-hate thingy 'cos it hurts and relieves at the same time! And so the 'sinseh' says I should go take an x-ray just in case my calcium makeup ain't that strong.. And so the doc said there shouldn't be a fracture since I'm still able to walk (yes, I know).. Diagnosis: It's more like a ligament strain (not tear) and thus, physiotherapy sessions and perhaps a visit to the specialist are more required than taking an x-ray, which according to him, is pointless 'cos the treatment for fracture and cracks will be the same. Well, thankfully both gave complementary and not ironic advice. I neither desire nor deserve extra 'ooos' and 'aahhs' sessions beyond that, please. Thanks and phew! What can I do next except to invest in good flats and footwear? Argh, no more heels for me, unless necessary, 'cos I truly "walk by faith, not by sight" (2 Corinthians 5:7).. Ha!

Sunday, April 25, 2004

A principle that will last forever

If you sow, you reap. It's that simple. An eternal principle that will last forever. The Word of God says so!

"Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap." - Galatians 6:7

Saturday, April 24, 2004

Prescribe a hug, doc!

"Hugging is good medicine. It transfers energy, and gives the person hugged an emotional boost. You need four hugs a day for survival, eight for maintenance, and twelve for growth. A hug makes you feel good. The skin is the largest organ we have and it needs a great deal of care. A hug can cover a lot of skin and gives the message that you care. It is also a form of communication. It can say things you don't have words for. The nicest thing about a hug is that you usually can't give one without getting one." - Author Unknown

I've got three hugs today, what about you? Send a virtual hug or hug somebody for real. But trust me, the latter is absolutely therapeutic!

I just want to say to my buddies out there, "Just when I feel that I'm battling with life alone, you reminded me that I have company in this walk.. and that whenever I fall, you'll be here to stay.. Really appreciate your love and hugs.. thanks for your godly friendship, support, encouragement, and for all that you are becos you mean alot to me! A hug really says things you don't have words for.. *hugz*"

And to my Maker, "Thank You for that awesome ministering presence.. Your hug was absolutely uplifting for the downcast.. Whether in valleys or mountains, in peace or storms, You're with me.. If You are for me, who can be against me? You laid down your life for me, what else will you not do for me? I will purpose to put on the garment of praise every single day of my life! Thank You, Holy Spirit.. You're my bestest friend.."

"This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life for his friends. You are My friends if you do whatever I command you." - John 15:12-14

Friday, April 23, 2004

Nobility of character

Below is a very encouraging and thought-provoking forum post written by a good friend of mine... quite on the contrary to my earlier post.

"Softness is probably something that'll kill us, At times we must learn to be ruthless with ourselves at times. Affections, desires, appetites; all must be dealt with discipline. Even love must be disciplined, or we will love what will kill us. Discipline requires toughness.

Jesus was a perfect balance of the tender and tough. He revealed His tenderness in His messages of love, His actions of healing and comfort, and ultimately His death on the cross. Indecisive creates instability -- a man who straddles the fence will get badly hurt when he falls. It's dangerous. "A double minded man is unstable in all his ways." (James 1:8) Second guessing reflects a lack of confidence in a decision already made. If a decision/action is made and it proves to have been at fault/wrong, admit it, repent from it, learn from it, and go on from that point. Crying over spilt milk, living with regret, or carrying past mistakes are all wrong. Living with past mistakes is a mistake in itself. If God forgives us, but we do not forgive ourselves, we make ourselves greater than Him. Wisely forgetting the past is part of our spiritual growth. Once forgiven it is to be wisely forgotten. Wisely forgetting is not putting it out of our minds, it is never again holding that sin against the person. No matter how hurt you are, never allow a seed of bitterness to arise from your soul, don't poison your soul, take it up in prayer to God.

Jesus was a fearless leader, defeating Satan, casting out demons, commanding nature, rebuking hypocrites. He had a nobility of character and a full complement of virtues which can be reproduced in us today -- by the same Holy Spirit that dwelt in Him... Thank you Jesus for what You did for us on the cross." (Edited by Jan)

Words can kill

Words have power, don't they? Power to hurt, power to put people down, power to accomplish an amazing bulk of things.. Whatever. Now even singing won't make me happy. I am depressed anyway.

Thursday, April 22, 2004

Genesis - In the beginning

Genesis 1:1 "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."
Genesis 1:2 "The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters..."

Interestingly, there are 101 things that could have happened between verses 1 and 2. So the first book in the Bible 'Genesis' we are reading, is not really 'the beginning', but the beginning of human race. Does that really matter? Perhaps not. Because God is the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End, who is and who was and who is to come (Rev 1:8)! God is not controlled by time for He created time (He created and made all things, by the way) and He lives in eternity! So it does not really matter what happened, but Who you know!

That reminds me to dig out my notes about evolution, historical facts about the earth and its species including human kind, and many others that will help defend my faith. Faith is not build on imagination, but facts! Hey, God is not a figment of your imagination, a pie in the sky & a sweet bye & bye.. Neither is He a fictitious imaginary figure that we conjure up at the back of our mind. God is a real person! Check out Answers in Genesis for more mind-blowing truths!

Monday, April 19, 2004

Music in my head

Singing makes me happy. Even the beat of jazz and blues makes me happy... La la la...

If you're wondering if I have a life outside one concerning my faith in God and ushering, yes I do! I sing alot... when I'm happy, when I'm sad, when I'm normal, when I'm outta sorts... I'm able to stop conversing with any human being but it'll be a tall order for me to stop singing! Probably that's why one of my preaching evaluators in Bible School commented that I speak with a 'singing tone' or like a news presenter... ha.

My daily state of mind and mood can almost always be represented by Stefanie Sun's 未完成, a constant reminder that my purpose here on earth has yet to be fulfilled...

绕个路回家 有些事开始复杂 拐个弯说话 代表必须长大啦
要确定自己 总好象是来不及 心情在变化 能否找个人要答案 快回答
开始负责任 都不能有点懒散 虽然私底下 常常让脑袋在放假 该不该

这么说来 对我有期待 不知不觉是改变 未完成的我 一出现就要有表现
感觉不错 生活在世界 未完成是个期待 永远做不完

想 想平凡 想特别 想自由 我想一切就像 绕个路 拐个弯
要负责任 别偷懒 在逼著我成长 这么说来
自己的期待 有时说不出来 未完成什么 我会考虑我的直觉
感觉不错 生活在世界 未完成是个期待 永远做不完

Wednesday, April 14, 2004

Who is your refuge?

As I was listening to Penny's new song 防空洞 over the radio, I was reminded of God's love and faithfulness...

Who should you and I look to in times of need? Who is your refuge when you need a ear to listen, a hand to protect or a heart to empathise? For me, it's God... If we put our trust in men, we'll only expect hurts and disappointments... but God is a faithful God... He will never fail or forsake us. He keeps count of our hair and the tears we drop... He loves us so much that He sent Jesus to die for ALL our sins on the Cross of Calvary... Do you know God's heart as that of a father's? Do you know God as your beacon of light?

"God is our refuge and strength, A very present help in trouble." - Psalms 46:1

Tuesday, April 13, 2004

Easter trail

Is Easter just a public holiday with gimmicky cute bunnies and pretty eggs? What's there to rest and celebrate about? The resurrection of Jesus Christ after the 3rd day of His crucifixion, of course!

Well, it's been more than just a normal week for a City Harvester.. What I usually do, I do it more intensively for the past 2 weeks... Ushering. Bulletins. Forecast & attendance. Sharing the good news. Bible Study. Discipleship. Purpose? Seeing thousands coming back into the arms of Father God and receiving an everlasting life! I know it may not make sense to many, but do I care? hahahh... yes, I do. Though it can be physically draining, it's an exciting life I lead for God and a life run with a love for people and a passion for His work... but a passion incomparable to Jesus'... Do you know what your purpose is on earth? What you are living for? What your soul desires after? Do you have eternity in your heart? Or do you know what eternity is, to begin with?...

"For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?" - Matthew 16:26

"For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope." - Jeremiah 29:11

Thursday, April 01, 2004

His passion

The day I've been waiting for has finally arrived! No, not April Fool's Day.. (thank God the last time I was fooled was a decade ago!), but the launch of the film 'The Passion of the Christ', produced and funded single-handedly by the famous Mel Gibson, the talk of the town, the most controversial film of the century about Jesus Christ... A powerful, heart-wrenching, deeply moving masterpiece not to be missed!

If you're wondering if there's a God, I assure you, there is.
If you're wondering if He loves or cares about you, I assure you, He does.
If you're wondering HOW MUCH He loves you, check out what Jesus did on the Cross for you! That blood is for YOU. Now will you reciprocate this LOVE?

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." - John 3:16