Saturday, June 25, 2005

Whose dream is this?

Am I forcing everyone to comply and perform according to my standards because this is my dream and my dream alone? Aren't it supposed to be accomplished by passion and teamwork? Are people serving their own flesh, other people or God?

A level of frustration somewhat greater than what I wrote three months ago... Argh, why?!

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Believing in you

Finally, a face to the frequently-mentioned name in my blog - Cheryl!

A pic taken at the most classy and comfy The Coffee Connoisseur (TCC) at Boat Quay... She came all the way from KL to Singapore just to see me before she flew off to Vancouver for her studies. Uberly sweet of her ;)

We knew each other in CHC School of Theology in 2002 and it's interesting how we met and kept in touch all these while, all thanks to technology.

Cheryl, God has truly moved you up to the next level by your simple faith and I believe that He is going to come through for you not only in the area of finances but other aspects of your life as well. Your life is a testimony and an inspiration for me to move on too... thanks for everything ;) Be believing in you and missing you... Take good care & catch ya online soon!

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

His middle name is Yoda

"Sleep you must, my young jedi. Many pimples and wrinkles you'll get, if 8 hours beauty sleep you don't get. May the force be with you.

Not working your brain is. Sleep you must now. The worm the early bird gets, yes, the bird gets. Good night, young jan-di."

Ahahahaha... Difficult not to guess who these sms-es came from... To question, no time there is. Sleep. *lights off*

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

It grabs you

My favorite TV program is doubtlessly The Animal Planet eversince we subscribed to SCV. What's interesting is not the A to Zs of the animal world, but the extent of animal protection and conservation people do all around the world through 'Animal Precinct' (Tue) and 'Growing Up Wild' (Thu).

I ask myself if it is worth the effort. I mean, do animals go to heaven? I know they are not God-breathed, but I do wish the passion and work of animal lovers will not go to waste. And life will be pretty boring without these lovely creation. Whether it is worth the effort, I guess it's really about being good stewards of what has been given to us and not abusing them. Watching these creatures often make me smile and appreciate the beauty, creativity and humor God has.

And there is, of course, National Geographic. NatGeo Feature Films presents a documentary movie not to be missed...

The March of the Penguins - Catch the trailer first and then support the movie! See how the Emperor penguins repeat their arduous journey countless times, marching many hundreds of miles over some of the most treacherous territory on Earth, until the chicks are ready to take their first faltering dive into the deep blue waters of the Antarctic. (excerpt from website)

Are there any fellow animal planeeters out there whom I can speak animal lingo with? ;)

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Blog Worth

I recently chanced upon this when I was finding out what URLs will be returned when I do a Google search using "Jannesis".

BlogShares is a fantasy stock market where weblogs are the companies. Players invest fictional dollars on shares in blogs. Blogs are valued by their incoming links and add value to other blogs by linking to them. Prices can go up or down based on trading and the underlying value of the blog.
My blog's current worth is B$5,629.42. "B$" means it's blog currency, not billion! You can find out more here.